LaserAway Experience

LaserAway offers laser hair removal, tattoo removal, CoolSculpting, thermage, dioxide laser skin treatment, Botox, and more! Along with their variety of services aimed at rejuvenation and maintenance, they also have a line of beauty and skincare products.

It’s been almost one year since I’ve used LaserAway’s laser hair removal service. In the beginning, I noticed a significant difference after the third treatment. At the end of my package, I’ve had about 70-80% hair loss. Depending on the thickness of your hair, you might see nearly complete hair loss of you may need maintenance treatments, like myself. Nonetheless, if you need maintenance, LaserAway offers a discount for your future treatments.

“Prolonged hair loss (70%-90% hair reduction) has been observed 12 months after the start of laser treatment.”


The question that comes up often is if it’s painful. Since everyone’s pain tolerance and hair thickness is different, some people experience little to no pain/discomfort while others may find it quite painful. For me, the areas in which I had thinner hair, I didn’t feel anything – even when I reach the max strength with the laser. However, in areas with my thicker and darker hair, the pain increased with each treatment as the strength was increased. But in the end, my pain tolerance improved in the areas of thicker and darker hair due to repetition.

If you have thick and dark hair that you want removed because of razor burn, ingrown hairs, and overall irritation from shaving and/or waxing, I highly suggest laser hair removal with LaserAway. Even if you don’t have dark drown to black thick hair, laser hair removal can be beneficial for you too! But it is important to know that red and gray hair typically cannot be removed by laser and darker complexations may experience skin-related irritations.

“Our laser hair removal works on nearly all skin types and tones. Two challenges are red and gray hair. They are difficult to distinguish from surrounding tissue. Our Nd:YAG laser works best if you have darker skin and hair. It has a longer wavelength, and is highly sensitive to all skin colors and pigments. This means it can more precisely penetrate hair follicles with no effect on surrounding tissue. You should know that with darker skin comes a higher risk of complications, such as hypopigmentation, keloid scarring, and folliculitis.”


Even if you decide to try out LaserAway for their other services, they have great teams of nurses! I have been to three different locations, and in each one, I’ve had great nurses. So you’re in good hands whether it’s for laser hair removal, CoolSculpting, tattoo removal, etc.

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